World Famous Puzzle and Worksheet Makers The Teacher's Corner
  Puzzles and Activities  

Famous People

Famous Person Report

Sixth/Seventh Grade

Outline Format for President Report


(Name of President)

I. Early Life of Your President
A. When born?
B. Where was he born?
C. Married? To whom?
D. Children? How many? Names?
E. Interesting fact of your choice.

II. His Presidency
A. When did he run for office? With whom?
B. What political party?
C. Who did he run against?
D. Significant contribution.
E. Interesting fact of your choice.

III. Conclusion (this is your choice)
A. Name an important world event during his term in office.
B. Name an important event happening in America during his term in office.
C. Name another important historical figure during his presidency.
D. Interest Fact of your choice.
E. Interesting fact of your choice.

Grading Criteria for Outline

-30 points: Form, legibility, mechanics
-50 points: Information, accuracy, completeness
-20 points: Spelling

President Report Grading Criteria

-10 points: COVER (design, color, neatness)
-10 points: TITLE PAGE (President's name, your name, subject, date)
-10 points: OUTLINE (the graded document from before)
-50 points: REPORT (accuracy of information, mechanics, spelling)
-10 points: ILLUSTRATION (appropriate, design, neatness)
-10 points: BIBLIOGRAPHY (at least 3 books, ABC order by title)