World Famous Puzzle and Worksheet Makers The Teacher's Corner
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World History Lessons - Ancient Egypt

The Mysteries of Ancient Egypt

After a Unit on ancient Egypt, my students design Egyptian structures (usually pyramids, but some students have erected entire towns or temples, and even figures of Egyptian gods and goddesses!) We talk in class about the various media that can be used to for their structures, i.e., clay, plaster of Paris, paper, wood and so on. Students are encouraged to be unique in the types of materials they use. I try not to lead any of the students towards a specific medium. Students must create landscape or a backdrop for their model and provide sketches or outlines used during the brainstorming phase of the project.Students are encouraged to work with a partner but may elect to work alone on their project.

In addition to the actual model, students must write a paragraph summarizing the information shown in their model. Students are reminded that the models are displayed in the media center for other students, parents, staff and teachers to examine. Students are graded as follows:
1. Plans are neatly drawn and show detail.
2. The model is sturdy.
3. Color, labels and other items show the parts of the model clearly.
4. The model is neat and presentable.

1. Paragraph is well organized and uses complete sentences.
2. Paragraph has a topic sentence, conclusion and three or four supporting sentences.
3. Paragraph describes the model displayed and does not wander off topic.
4. Spelling and grammar are impeccable.
5. The paragraph is neat and on paper that is not torn or wrinkled.

Students are encouraged to explain their models to other students in the class but this is not an absolute necessity. Surprisingly, I have found that nearly 75% of my class asks to do this.
Submitted by: Linde Crawford lindemarie@email-removed