World Famous Puzzle and Worksheet Makers The Teacher's Corner
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World History Lessons - Cave Man Art

Cave Man Art

I post pictures of cave paintings from magazines on the bulletin board and we discuss the possible motivation and meanings of the paintings. Then I ask students to bring in a natural object the next day to paint with--large feather, twig, leaves, etc. The next day I give each student a piece of brown construction paper and cups of black poster paint to share. They tear the edges off their papers then crumple them up as much as they can. (A very fun part of the lesson.)

They smooth out their papers, then use their natural paint brush to reproduce one of the pictures, or to make up their own symbols to paint. At the end we staple these new pictures to the bulletin board. The room has a section of painted cave wall, and students have a better appreciation of how hard it was to paint on uneven walls.
Barb M barbdmar@email-removed