World Famous Puzzle and Worksheet Makers The Teacher's Corner
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Theme Teaching - Current Event Awareness

Current Event Awareness

Grades 5-7

OBJECTIVE: To focus student attention on current issues in the news of special importance to them


TO START: Talk about a problem or issue at school or in the community that bothers students personally: say, graffiti, dress codes, smoking, etc.

Write a list of these issues on the board. Select one issue that seems to interest all students, and hold a "rap session." Encourage students to voice differences of opinion; don't hesitate to do the same!

GROUP ACTIVITY: Now turn the discussion to some of the controversial issues in the news today-nuclear war, world hunger, prisoners' rights, election issues, and so on. Pick a topic that evokes the most interest; look for related articles in your class newspaper or distribute copies of articles you have selected beforehand, preferably those that show all sides of the story. Assign the articles as class reading and discuss the issue. Where do students stand?

On the board, list arguments on both sides of the issue. Then draw an imaginary line on the floor, one end representing "for" and the other "against" the issue at hand. Ask students to "take a stand," literally, on the line where they feel they belong. They can stand at either end or anywhere in between, depending on the strength of their beliefs. (In the unlikely event that all are on one side, play "devil's advocate" and stand on the other side.)

When everyone is standing, open the floor to debate. Spokespersons for each side should argue their positions. The goal is to have some people move, closer to one point of view. At the end, people can be standing anywhere but in the "undecided" middle position.

FOLLOW-UP: Have students explain in writing their views on the above issue. Each can write his or her own editorial on the issue, based on what has been learned and discussed in the previous activity.
Submitted by: Janice Clarke Reiter jclarkereiter@email-removed