World Famous Puzzle and Worksheet Makers The Teacher's Corner
  Puzzles and Activities  

American History and American Government

The Preamble

My 5th graders memorize the Preamble to the Constitution each year. We discuss the meaning by paraphrasing each section. For a visual display, we divide a long piece of butcher paper into five sections.

Across the top, we write the introduction -"We the order to form a more perfect union - small groups are assigned to each of the five sections:
1. "establish justice"
2."insure domestic tranquillity"
3. "provide for the common defense"
4. "promote the general welfare"
5. "secure the blessings of liberty...".

Each section draws a visual representation of their part. Across the bottom, another group writes the conclusion" ordain and establish... for the United States of America." The finished banner is very impressive displayed in the hallway.