Keeping Track of Assignments
Need a quick way to check if your students have handed in their work? Here's an easy solution using a small checklist. I have created two different editable versions for you to use, or you can follow the steps below.
Not up for creating your own? Click on the image to download the Word document or click HERE for the Google Doc. If you choose the Google Docs format, you will first need to "Make a Copy" to save it into your own Drive and begin the editing process. Both of the editable versions I've created use columns.
To set-off this list, copy on brightly colored paper. You might even want to use different colored paper for different subjects. Cut the sheets apart, resulting in four copies of your class list per sheet.
As you are collecting forms or assignments, paper clip a copy of your list to the front and simply check off each student's name as you receive their paper.
Submitted by: Jennifer
Organize those papers going home!!
Too many papers for too many kids? Use these helpful tips to keep them all organized.
At our school we send home a 'Friday Folder'. The students decorate an oversized brown, clasp envelope (9"x12" envelopes aren't large enough for some of those big projects). We run each through the laminator. The kids know that they get ONE laminated envelope for the year. The trick was organizing the papers that go home in this folder. We send homework papers, and notes about activities, as well as notes from the office. I purchased a plastic basket made for hanging file folders, along with a file folder for each student. I put the files in alphabetical order according to first names.
This makes the filling easier for students and aides. Everyone knows that when there is something to go home, we put it by the 'Friday Folder File'. I always have students who are eager to do the filling and it has worked great. No important papers have been lost anymore!
Student Check-Off
At the beginning of the school year, I list all my students' names (next to their corresponding number) on a piece of paper. I adhere it to the top of my desk by placing clear contact paper over the top. This is really helpful when keeping track of who turned in permission slips, lunch money, is missing an assignment, etc. I just write a column heading at the top and put check marks next to kids' names with a wipe-off marker. When I'm done with that list, I wipe it off and program it for something else! You might also choose to create a similar list, have it laminated and then tape it to your desk or hang in on your whiteboard.
Submitted by: Amy
Incomplete Work
Notifying parents about students’ incomplete work is important. Use this form as a way to document student work.