Classroom Tools
Continuing Education
Fonts & Graphics
Lesson Plans
Miscellaneous Web Sites
Classroom Tools |
Tips for Parent Conferences
Learn how to make your conferences more efficient.
KidsCerts.com offers parents and teachers and fast, easy and cost effective way to reward students achievements with award certificates. All of our awards are designed to be fully personalized and are created specifically with children in mind. Our goal is to help make learning fun!
Smithsonian Education’s Idealabs
Summer spirit is still in the air but it's getting closer to “that time of year” when students and parents prepare for ‘Back to School’ fun. Check out Smithsonian Education’s Idealabs, a great online resource for student’s families and educators online!
This new website from Family Education Network is dedicated to providing teachers with a wealth of resources and information.
Lesson Plans |
Visit this site for a wide variety of thematic units. Great resources for elementary and intermediate grades.
Discovery Education Grades K-12
Discovery Education gives access to 400+ free classroom-ready lesson plans and activities, organized by grade level and subject for science, social studies, and literature. Choose from many topics including astronomy, animals, physical science, genetics, plants, weather, technology, U.S. history, ancient history, economics, and great books.
Holidays on the Net
"Your Source for Holiday Celebrations on the World Wide Web"
I Love That Teaching Idea!
They offer FREE K-6 worksheets, reproducibles, and ideas for math, science, social studies, language arts, holidays, character ed, service-learning and more.
Microsoft Classroom Teacher Network
The Microsoft company had done some leg work for you! Looking for new and exciting ways to integrate technology into your classroom? Look no further.
Teaching Treasures
An educational site with online interactive projects for students K-10 in all subjects. There are free downloadable worksheets, projects, hundreds of links listed alphabetically and much more.
Theme Park Grades K-12
Find a tremendous amount of online resources for a variety of thematic units. Resources include: lesson plans, webquests, virtual field trips and more.
Timesavers for Teachers.com
World's largest and most complete collection of printable, often-used teacher forms, checklists, worksheets, award certificates, passes, report card comments, masters, units, and other downloadable time saving ideas for busy teachers.
Miscellaneous Web Sites |
Teacher Discounts Guide: The Ultimate List of Stores
Looking for great discounts for teachers? This list is pretty exhaustive. Save some money! Check it out.
Read Me a Story, Ink
A collection of childrens stories available for printing with some read aloud.
2001 Colleges and Scholarships
This page is designed to offer college bound students, parents, and counselors easy access to information on: colleges and universities throughout the United States, free college scholarship and financial aid searches, SAT and ACT test preparation tips, and more.
A+ Resumes for Teachers
Finally, a resume writing service specializing in teachers, educators, principals and other faculty positions.
AmericaTakingAction.com for Kids
A national education network bringing schools and communities together for education.
Provides free online resources for thinking, working and living more creatively. Search 25,000 quotations from 2,500 famous people at Creative Quotations.
Cando Career Coaching and Resume Writing
This is a comprehensive website that educates visitors on resume and cover letter writing; job search and interview techniques by providing them with informative content, top-notch samples, and articles.
Hoagies' Gifted Education Page
This is a great site for Gifted and Talented resources.
Teacher Planet
More free stuff for teachers! Teacher Planet is a part of The Educator's Network of teacher focused websites. Find a lot of resources here.
Products |
This is a GREAT product to help students and their desks stay neat and organized.
Don't forget to check-out the various web sites on the Librarians Page!!